Frequently Asked Question

Can SAQ B-IP be used if cardholder data is transmitted over wireless?

SAQ B-IP is intended for merchants who use PCI PTS-approved point-of-interaction (POI) devices that communicate to the payment processor over an IP-based (Internet Protocol) network.  The list of PTS-approved devices can be found here.  If a POI device that uses cellular or wireless connections is PTS-approved, and the merchant meets all the eligibility criteria for SAQ B-IP, then SAQ B-IP may be appropriate for that environment.  However, merchants should always consult with their acquirer (merchant bank) or the payment brands, as applicable, to determine if their environment is eligible for SAQ B-IP or any other SAQ. Contact details for the payment brands can be found in FAQ #1142.

Each SAQ contains a "Before You Begin" section that provides guidance on the type of environment each SAQ is intended for.  Entities must meet all the eligibility criteria for a particular SAQ in order to be eligible to use that SAQ.  

December 2014
Article Number: 1313

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