Board of Advisors

Serve on the 2025-2027 Board of Advisors
A global view requires local understanding. Effective standards and resources are developed with practical, on-the-ground insights from industry leaders. This is your chance to demonstrate your expertise and leadership and impact payment security globally. The Board of Advisors represents PCI Security Standards Council (PCI SSC) Participating Organizations (PO) worldwide to ensure global industry involvement in the development of PCI Security Standards. As strategic leaders, they bring market, geographical and technical insight to PCI SSC plans and projects.
The 2025–2027 nomination period runs from 3–28 February 2025, followed by the election period from 17–28 March 2025. For more information on the process, review the 2025-2027 PCI SSC Board of Advisors Nomination and Election FAQ below, and check out the blog and podcast: Nominate Your Company for the Council’s Next Board of Advisors.
Shape the global industry standards and solutions that deliver practical on-the-ground solutions for protecting payment card data.
- Two-year commitment
- Opportunity to vote on new standards and major revisions
- Attendance at hybrid meetings and conference calls
- Engagement in Board-driven initiatives
Board of Advisors FAQ
The Board of Advisors represents PCI Participants and other stakeholders worldwide to ensure global industry involvement in the development of PCI Security Standards. BoA members bring industry, geographical and technical insight to PCI SSC strategy, plans and projects. Specific responsibilities include attendance at meetings, participation in regular conference calls and active engagement in Board-driven initiatives.
Yes. In recognition of the ever-changing needs of the payments industry, the Board of Advisors will be expanding to provide a greater range of input for the Council. It will be comprised of:
- Up to 26 Principal Participating Organization Seats
- 26 Elected Seats
- 12 appointed seats to provide sector and global coverage
Priority access is given for up to 26 Board of Advisors Seats to Principal PO Organizations. These seats are distributed by category: 6 Multi-Category, 4 Merchants, 4 Financial Institutions, 4 Hardware or Software Solution Provider/Vendors, 4 Service Providers, 4 Others. There will be a lottery for oversubscribed categories.
The BoA will have the opportunity to vote on new standards and major revisions to standards prior to their release. In order to vote, BoA members must be in good standing—meaning they have regularly attended prior meetings and paid requisite participation fees. For each item they can vote:
- Yes (Approve the item)
- No (Do not approve the item)
- Abstain (Have no opinion on the item)
All Principal and Associate Participating Organizations and Affiliate Members are invited to nominate and vote for their BoA representatives via the member portal. The 2025–2027 nomination period runs from 3–28 February 2025, followed by the election period from 17–28 March 2025.
All PCI SSC Principal and Associate Participating Organizations and Affiliate Members in good standing are eligible to self-nominate and serve on the Board of Advisors.
Primary contacts at eligible PCI SSC Principal and Associate Participating Organizations and Affiliate Members can self-nominate or nominate another individual from their organization as a candidate for the PCI SSC Board of Advisors. For more information, visit: Nominations are submitted through the member portal. For help with login credentials, please contact
The primary contacts for each PCI SSC Principal and Associate Participating Organization and Affiliate Member have login credentials for the member portal, which can be accessed at For help with login credentials, please contact
One Primary Representative and one Alternate Representative may be nominated per PCI SSC Principal or Associate Participating Organization or Affiliate Member.
The nomination form requires a Primary and Alternate contact from each PCI SSC Principal or Associate Participating Organization or Affiliate Member. The nominated company must also provide information about its organization, how it participates in the payment card industry, select the category, and why it should be considered for the PCI SSC Board of Advisors.
The primary contact at each eligible Principal or Associate Participating Organizations and Affiliate Member organization can submit a ballot for the PCI SSC Board of Advisors election, detailed instructions are available via the member portal.
The primary contact at each eligible Principal or Associate Participating Organizations and Affiliate Member organization may submit one vote for each of the following categories:
- Multi-Category (six seats)
- Merchants (four seats)
- Financial Institutions (four seats)
- Hardware or Software Solution Provider/Vendors (four seats)
- Service Providers (four seats)
- Others (four seats)
Learn more about the opportunities and benefits of serving on the PCI SSC Board of Advisors.
Nominate your organization for the 2025–2027 PCI SSC Board of Advisors in four simple steps.
The Board of Advisors represents PCI Security Standards Council (PCI SSC) Participating Organizations worldwide to ensure global industry involvement in the development of PCI Security Standards. As strategic leaders, they bring market, geographical and technical insight to PCI SSC plans and projects.
A key benefit to serving on the PCI SSC Board of Advisors is the opportunity to work with other payments stakeholders. We find common ground on issues and opportunities. Our collective work serves the industry, as well as our own organizations, with thought leadership specifically targeted to protecting payment information.
JP Morgan Chase
Board of Advisors FAQ
Board of Advisors represents PCI SSC Participating Organizations worldwide to ensure global industry involvement in the development of PCI Security Standards. As strategic partners, board members bring industry, geographical and technical insight to PCI SSC plans and projects. Specific responsibilities include attendance at meetings, participation in regular conference calls and active engagement in Board-driven initiatives.
PCI SSC Participating Organizations and Affiliate Members are invited to nominate and vote for their choices via the member portal . The 2021–2022 nomination period ran from 14 September until 26 October 2020, followed by the election period from 9–20 November 2020
All Participating Organizations and Affiliate Members in good standing are eligible to self-nominate and serve on the PCI SSC Board of Advisors.
Business and technical contacts at eligible Participating Organizations or Affiliate Members can self-nominate or nominate another individual from their organization as a candidate for the PCI SSC Board of Advisors.
Nominations are submitted through the member portal.
For help with login credentials, please contact
The business and technical contacts for each Participating Organization and Affiliate Member have login credentials for the member portal, which can be accessed at
For help with login credentials, please contact
The nomination form requires a business and technical contact from each Participating Organization or Affiliate Member. It must also include information about the organization and how it participates in the payment card industry, as well as why the organization should be elected to the PCI SSC Board of Advisors.
The primary business contact at eligible Participating Organizations and Affiliate Members can submit a ballot for the PCI SSC Board of Advisors election. Detailed instructions are available via the member portal.
The organization’s primary business contact will submit one vote for each of the following categories:
- Financial Institutions (three seats)
- Vendors (three seats)
- Merchants (six seats)
- Processors (three seats)
- Association/Non-profit (three seats)
Learn more about the opportunities and benefits of serving on the PCI SSC Board of Advisors.
Follow these simple steps to vote for the 2021-2022 PCI SSC Board of Advisors.