Frequently Asked Question

Who is qualified to perform assessments to the PCI Secure SLC Standard?
Secure SLC Assessors are qualified by PCI SSC to validate software vendor adherence to the Secure SLC Standard.
Qualified Secure SLC Assessors will have the Assessment Type of "Secure SLC" noted in their listing in the PCI SSC list of Software Security Framework Assessors.
See also FAQ 1542: What is the process for PCI Secure SLC Qualification?
Qualified Secure SLC Assessors will have the Assessment Type of "Secure SLC" noted in their listing in the PCI SSC list of Software Security Framework Assessors.
See also FAQ 1542: What is the process for PCI Secure SLC Qualification?
November 2021
Article Number: 1543
When should an entity implement PCI DSS requirements noted as best practices until a future date?
For PCI DSS, can multi-factor authentication (MFA) implementations indicate the success of a factor prior to presentation of subsequent factors?
What is the completion date for PCI DSS assessments documented in a Report on Compliance and its related Attestations of Compliance?
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Do PCI DSS requirements for keyed cryptographic hashing apply to previously hashed PANs?
Is the PCI DSS Attestation of Compliance intended to be shared?
How does an entity report the results of a PCI DSS assessment for new requirements that are noted in PCI DSS as best practices until a future date?
Where do I direct questions about complying with PCI standards?
Can SAQ eligibility criteria be used for determining applicability of PCI DSS requirements for assessments documented in a Report on Compliance?
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When should an entity implement PCI DSS requirements noted as best practices until a future date?
For PCI DSS, can multi-factor authentication (MFA) implementations indicate the success of a factor prior to presentation of subsequent factors?
What is the completion date for PCI DSS assessments documented in a Report on Compliance and its related Attestations of Compliance?
What is the completion date for PCI DSS assessments documented in a Self-Assessment Questionnaire and its related Attestations of Compliance?
How does PCI DSS Requirement 6.4.3 apply to 3DS scripts called from a merchant check-out page as part of 3DS processing?
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Where can I find the current version of PCI DSS?
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