Frequently Asked Question

Must SRED devices leave the deployment facility in an already-encrypting state? In lieu of this, can a solution provider use a tool or method to monitor and alert if any unencrypted transactions are received?

This is a Technical FAQ for P2PE versions 1.x. This is a "normative" FAQ that is considered to be part of the P2PE requirements and shall be considered during a P2PE assessment in the same light as the published P2PE standard. These technical FAQs are also published together in "Technical FAQs for use with P2PE Versions 1.x" available in the Documents Library of this website.

If the device meets requirements specified in the PTS POI Technical Frequently Asked Questions v3.0 for Requirement K4, including -Can a POI device approved for SRED have a default configuration to not encrypt account data? it will be allowable for solution providers to confirm that all encryption functions are fully operational before receiving any transactions from a merchant, using the processes already required at 5D-2.1. This PTS POI FAQ is fully applicable for SRED devices used in P2PE solutions and says in part:

For devices that allow the enablement (turning on) or the disablement (turning off) of SRED functionality, the enablement must result in the firmware revision number changing and the device providing visual indication of SRED enablement. Disablement must result in the firmware revision number reverting and the device no longer providing visual indication of SRED enablement. The visual indication must not be transient. This must be documented in information provided by the vendor to the entities deploying these devices.

If SRED capabilities are not enabled and active when devices are deployed to merchants, the P2PE assessor should confirm that:

a) The solution provider has processes in place to detect and immediately resolve any unencrypted transactions they receive (Requirement 5D-2.1), and

b) The device firmware number changes between SRED being enabled and disabled, and the device provides a non-transient visual indication when SRED is enabled.

The P2PE assessor should document these results in the P-ROV and refer to this FAQ.

December 2015
Article Number: 1340

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