Frequently Asked Question

Is there an exception to P2PE Requirement 2A-2.1 that a P2PE application can only export PAN or SAD encrypted by the firmware of the PCI-approved POI device, where there is a legal or regulatory obligation to print the full PAN on merchant receipts?

This is a Technical FAQ for P2PE versions 1.x. This is a "normative" FAQ that is considered to be part of the P2PE requirements and shall be considered during a P2PE assessment in the same light as the published P2PE standard. These technical FAQs are also published together in "Technical FAQs for use with P2PE Versions 1.x" available in the Documents Library of this website.

This topic is addressed in P2PE v2.0. For P2PE versions 1.x, see FAQ entitled Is there an exception to P2PE Requirement 3B-3.1 that a merchant cannot view full PAN, for those areas where there is a legal or regulatory obligation to print the full PAN on merchant receipts?
December 2015
Article Number: 1345

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