Frequently Asked Question

How do the updated SSL/early TLS migration dates apply to service providers?

The deadline for all entities, including service providers, to migrate away from SSL and insecure versions of TLS is June 30, 2018.  In order to support merchants and other customers who have already completed their migration and wish to begin using a secure protocol, service providers are also required to offer a secure alternative to SSL/early TLS by June 30, 2016.  This applies even if the service provider has not yet completed their own migration by that date.

The requirement for a secure service offering applies to all in-scope services offered by the service provider. The requirement does not mean that all SSL/Early TLS must be disabled by June 2016, only that a secure alternative also be made available for that service. Service providers offering both insecure and secure protocol options should provide clear instructions on how to use the secure service for those customers wishing to do so.

Additional guidance on migrating away from SSL/early TLS can be found in the Information Supplement: Migrating from SSL and Early TLS, available in the PCI SSC Document Library.
September 2016
Article Number: 1441

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