Frequently Asked Question

Can merchants using non-console administrative access be eligible for SAQ B-IP, C-VT, or C?

Yes, as long as all SAQ eligibility criteria are met. For example, SAQ B-IP, SAQ C and SAQ C-VT are each intended for environments using only permitted system types, as defined in the eligibility criteria for each SAQ. A brief description for each SAQ is provided below:

  • SAQ B-IP: Environments using only PTS-approved point-of-interaction (POI) devices (excludes SCRs). This is the only permitted system type for this SAQ.
  • SAQ C-VT: Environments using only web-based virtual payment terminals on a personal computer connected to the Internet. This is the only permitted system type for this SAQ.
  • SAQ C: Environments using only payment application systems (for example, point-of-sale systems) connected to the Internet. This is the only permitted system type for this SAQ.

The SAQ criteria is not intended to prohibit more than one of the permitted system types being on the same network zone, as long as the permitted systems are isolated from other types of systems (e.g. by implementing network segmentation). In these types of environments, a merchant may wish to administer a defined system/device from the same type of system/device located within the same network. This would be considered non-console administrative access, and, in this scenario, the PCI DSS requirements for protecting non-console administrative access would apply.

Merchants that do not support non-console administrative access should select "N/A" for the affected requirements and complete Appendix C, as directed in the Before You Begin section of the applicable SAQ.

If any type of system other than that defined by the SAQ criteria is used to administer a SAQ-defined system, the environment would not be eligible for that SAQ. As an example, use of a back-office server to administer a PTS-approved POI device does not meet the eligibility criteria of SAQ B-IP.

November 2016
Article Number: 1442

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