Frequently Asked Question

What is the PCI DSS Self-Assessment Questionnaire?

The PCI DSS Self-Assessment Questionnaires (SAQs) are validation tools for merchants and service providers that are eligible to evaluate and report their PCI DSS compliance via self-assessment. There are a number of different SAQs available that are intended meet the needs of particular types of environments. 

Each SAQ contains a "Before you Begin" section, which outlines the type of environment that the SAQ is intended for. All the eligibility criteria for a particular SAQ must be met in order to use that SAQ. 

Additional guidance is also provided in the PCI DSS Self-Assessment Questionnaire Instructions and Guidelines document in the Document Library.

Merchants should also consult with their acquirer (merchant bank) or payment brand to determine if they are eligible or required to submit an SAQ, and if so, which SAQ is appropriate for their environment.

Last updated: November 2016
Article Number: 1215

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