Frequently Asked Question

I have had an external vulnerability scan completed by an ASV - does this mean I am PCI DSS compliant?

PCI DSS Requirement 11.2.2 addresses the need for quarterly external vulnerability scans to be performed by a PCI SSC Approved Scanning Vendor (ASV). The ASV will produce a scan report that details the results of the vulnerability scan — this scan report is not an indication that any other PCI DSS requirements have been reviewed or are in place. 

ASVs are required to provide scan reports on official templates as defined in the ASV Program Guide. Any additional documentation provided by the ASV (for example, certificates, letters or other documentation) should be clearly identified as supplemental materials provided by the ASV Company - these supplemental materials have not been endorsed by the PCI SSC, nor should they be considered replacements for the official PCI SSC templates and forms which have been approved by the payment brands. 

In addition to being a PCI DSS requirement, quarterly ASV scan reports may be requested by acquirers and/or the payment brands as part of an entity's periodic compliance reporting.  Organizations should consult with their acquirer or the payment brands directly, as applicable, to understand their compliance reporting obligations.

February 2013
Article Number: 1234

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